It has become a recent hobby of mine to *sculpt* areas of land to make the perfect bug out location. As to how useful this hobby is I suppose only time will tell, but I have a lot of fun doing it and it allows me to hone my bushcraft and survival skills. When I say *sculpt* areas of land what I mean is to make the area friendlier. I'll try to remove poisonous plants like poison ivy and plant seeds that will hopefully take off in the area. I'll also build small duck ponds and natural shelters.
This video is a compilation of footage from my most recent trip, in it I show how to build a natural shelter, forage for various wild edibles (Agave fruit, thistle, stinging nettle and river clams) I even set up a 'garden area', though this is mostly to hopefully introduce the plant to the area.
I actually think I learned more about filming in this trip than anything else, so when/if I make more videos they should be better quality.